Ada FIVN Player nih...
Awalnya begini,
pemutar musik di ponsel saya memutar semua aplikasi audio. Jadi nyebelin....
Ya sampai ring-tone juga dimainkan di music player bawaan ponsel.
Males banget kan kalau lagi asik2 dengerin musik, eh tiba-tiba lagu berikutnya malah suara ring tone ponsel.
Kenapa bisa begitu?
Ya itu tadi, tuh player memutar semua format audio.
Tapi tenang, sekarang ada......
FIVN Player.
Sekarang FIVN Player sudah keluar versi 2.7, namun ini diperuntukkan untuk ponsel bersistem Symbian S60 3rd edition.
Kalau mau download versi sebelumnya juga bisa, buka aja di
Kita bahas aja yang Versi 2.7.
FIVN Player bisa memutar berbagai format audio, misalnya...
aac, amr, mid, mp3, mp4, wav, dan wma.
Yah lumayan lah....
Setelah mendownload FIVN player di , dan meng-install-nya di ponsel anda, coba buka program tersebut deh. Nanti akan muncul tampilan seperti ini...

FIVN Player sedang mencari file-file audio yang ada di ponsel anda.
Sabar aja,
Kalau file nya banyak, yah akan agak lama sedikit.
Play list

Setelah proses searching selesai,
Akan muncul playlist sesuai dengan format audio yang anda pilih.
Sound formats

Untuk Merubah file apa saja yang ingin anda mainkan, bisa masuk ke menu
Option > Setting > Search format.
Pilih saja format audio yang anda inginkan.
Otomatis, file audio yang tidak anda pilih, tidak akan dimainkan/ diputar oleh FIVN Player.
Daripada bingung baca tulisan saya,
mending download aja deh...
ini beberapa screenshot FIVN Player yang lain.

Oh iya, cara pengoperasiannya,
FIVN Player can be controlled by the navigation keys. The functions for each key are:
- Selection Key to play/pause the sound
- Scroll Up to scroll the previous sound
- Scroll Down to scroll the next sound
- Scroll Left to reduce the volume
- Scroll Right to increase the volume
- (0), (0) to reset the play list
- (1), (3) to scroll the previous sound
- (2), (5) to stop the playing sound
- (3), (9) to scroll the next sound
- (4), (2) to rewind the sound*
- (5), (6) to play/pause the sound
- (6), (8) to fast forward the sound*
- (7), (1) to scroll the previous page
- (8), (4) to go the current sound
- (9), (7) to scroll the next page
* quick press for 20 seconds, long press for time increment The first column key numbers are for the portrait layout. The second column key numbers are for the landscape layout. It is valid only when the keypad remap feature is enabled in the Settings and the Options menu shows on the right at the bottom. Functions in the Options menu are:
- To set a play position, select Commands > Set play position
- To view details of a clip, select Commands > View details
- To refresh list, select Commands > Refresh list
- To select a preset, select it in the Equaliser menu
- To disable/enable stereo widening, select Stereo widening > Off/On
- To disable/enable bass booster, select Bass booster > Off/On
- To set sleep timer, select Sleep timer > Set timer/After clip end
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